Using Evidence-based Ergonomics & Exercise to Prevent Work-related Pain with Dr. Bethany Valachi – 238
Using Evidence-based Ergonomics & Exercise to Prevent Work-related Pain with Dr. Bethany Valachi – 238
Pain is not a necessary by-product of dentistry. You can reduce or eliminate your pain with targeted, evidence-based interventions! VIEW VIDEO Access the WellBody System NOW! Unfortunately, most dental and hygiene schools do not teach evidence-based ergonomics and wellness strategies. To make matters worse, the dental continuing education system is flooded with outdated, hand-me-down ergonomic educationRead More >>
-Original Article by Dr. Bethany Valachi- edited by Merideth Sweeney Did you realize the profession of dentistry ranked four out of the top five careers that are most damaging to one’s overall health (Kiersz & Gillett, 2018)? Now, include being a woman to that alarming statistic, and this combination could produce the perfect storm for an ergonomic disaster. But what ifRead More >>
-Dr. Bethany Valachi- You’ve had a tough day in the operatory, the sun is out, your back is aching, and the green is calling. What could be better than a game of golf to work the aches out? For some dentists…just about anything! It’s no secret that over 50% of dentists experience chronic low backRead More >>
-Dr. Bethany Valachi- Dental professionals are uniquely prone to muscle imbalances that are not a problem for the general population. In this video, Dr. Valachi explains why dental professionals should target specific muscle groups with muscular endurance training and why certain generic exercise routines and gym machines can throw dental professionals into the vicious painRead More >>
-Dr. Bethany Valachi- Up to 80% of dentists & hygienists report neck pain in a 12 month period, and if untreated, can lead to disability or early retirement. Intervention to prevent neck pain in dentistry should be evidence-based and unbiased. My doctorate studies focused on preventing neck pain among dental professionals, so I am quite passionateRead More >>
-Dr. Bethany Valachi- When it comes to dental stools, one size does NOT fit all! With all the varieties and optional features of dental stools on the market today, your unique body characteristics can be better fitted and supported than ever before! However, when selecting a dental stool, we must now take a look at notRead More >>
-Dr. Bethany Valachi- One of the primary reasons I see my students and clinicians contorting over the patient is due to poor control of the occlusal plane when treating the upper arch. This is Step 3 of my 10-Step Patient Positioning Sequence, and one of the most important concepts in dental ergonomics: when the occlusalRead More >>
-Dr. Bethany Valachi- Those who know me well may think I advocate a saddle stool because I am an equestrian! However the beneficial biomechanics behind a saddle stool in the operatory cannot be overlooked. Saddle-style stools are becoming increasingly popular in dentistry—and for good reason. The benefits of this positioning are numerous, and research supports theRead More >>
-Dr. Bethany Valachi- Prolonged, awkward postures are the greatest culprits for the demise of dentist’s musculoskeletal health1. Sustained muscle contractions can cause painful muscle ischemia and the development of “tender spots”, or trigger points in muscles2. Even in “perfect” seated posture, more than half of the muscles in your body are in a sustained contraction. Read More >>
-Dr. Bethany Valachi- In dentistry, two of the most commonly reported pain syndromes of the wrist occur in nearly the same area. Easily confused, but of entirely different origin, deQuervain’s disease is a painful inflammation of the tendons in the thumb, whereas osteoarthritis (OA) of the thumb is a degenerative joint process. Both appear frequentlyRead More >>
-Dr. Bethany Valachi- Imagine spending $1,500 on new loupes, and you suddenly begin to develop neck pain, or, your existing neck pain worsens. This is an all-too-common problem that I frequently encounter in my dental ergonomic consultations. On the other hand, I have repeatedly seen well-designed ergonomic loupes improve or completely resolve neck pain. SoRead More >>
-Dr. Bethany Valachi- Manufacturers frequently tout the esthetic and productivity features of different delivery systems, however the way the system is used and adjusted can either benefit or worsen your health. Here, I highlight the most common ergonomic challenges with delivery system and easy resolutions! Rear-Delivery Systems Rear-delivery systems work best when true four-handed dentistryRead More >>
Dr. Howard Farran of DentalTown interviews Dr. Valachi and learns more about integrating a focus on ergonomics to improve dental professionals’ health and extend their careers.
-Dr. Bethany Valachi- When it comes to exercise, dental professionals should look to the evidence! Dental professionals are prone to painful muscle imbalances which can be exacerbated by exercises that are not a problem for the general public. This is why generic exercise regimens (P90X, Pilates, Yoga and Crossfit) need to be modified to removeRead More >>
-Dr. Bethany Valachi- Your Trigger Points Might be Causing Your Pain! Have you ever experienced a ‘headache’ behind your eye that won’t go away with pain medication? Or experienced neck pain that feels slightly better with massage, but massage doesn’t resolve the neck pain? These are typical characteristics of upper trapezius trigger points. Since theRead More >>
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